
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2027 )


匹配条件: “R. F. C. Lobato” ,找到相关结果约573526条。
Exponential Decay to the Degenerate Nonlinear Coupled Beams System with Weak Damping
R. F. C. Lobato,D. C. Pereira,M. L. Santos
ISRN Mathematical Physics , 2012, DOI: 10.5402/2012/659289
Aislamiento de Clostridium perfringens tipo D en un ternero lactante afectado con abomasitis ulcerativa Isolation of Clostridium perfringens type D from a suckling calve with ulcerative abomasitis
Archivos de medicina veterinaria , 2002,
Abstract: Se describe un brote de abomasitis ulcerativa asociada con infección por Clostridium perfringens tipo D en terneros lactantes. Seis terneros Holstein, de 2 semanas de edad, murieron después de presentar anorexia y apatía. Otros animales del mismo establecimiento habían muerto de la misma forma seis meses antes. A la necropsia el abomaso estaba muy distendido con contenido fluido y oscuro, la mucosa estaba edematosa y presentaba gran cantidad de úlceras milimétricas y habían depósitos de fibrina en la serosa. En el ciego de un animal se observaron extensas areas de infarto. En frotis de la mucosa abomasal se observaron bacilos cortos Gram positivos, no esporulados, aislándose de ella un cultivo rico de C. perfringens tipo D. Es probable que la baja inmunidad de los terneros debido a falta de calostro y estrés alimenticio, haya sido el predisponente para la infección por C. perfringens tipo D An outbreak of ulcerative abomasitis in suckling calves associated with Clostridium perfrigens type D infection is described. Six twoweek old Holstein calves died after showing loss of appetite and lethargy. Other animals had died in similar circumstances during the previous six months. At necropsy, the abomasum was severely distended with dark fluid and the mucosa was oedematous and covered with many millimetric ulcers, while the serous surface of this organ was covered with fibrin. Several irregular black areas of infarcts were observed in the cecum of one animal. Histologically, the abomasal mucosa showed ulcers and haemorrhage, while the submucosa showed severe oedema and infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells. Short, thick, nonsporulated Gram positive rods were observed on smears of abomasal mucosa. C. perfringens type D was isolated from the abomasal mucosa. Low immunity and stress could have contributed to the pathogenesis of the lesions described
Avalia o da resposta de antitoxinas beta e épsilon de Clostridium perfringens induzidas em bovinos e coelhos por seis vacinas comerciais no Brasil
Lobato F.C.F.,Moro E.,Umehara O.,Assis R.A.
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia , 2000,
Abstract: Avaliou-se a resposta de antitoxinas beta e épsilon de Clostridium perfringens em bovinos vacinados contra clostridioses com seis vacinas disponíveis no mercado. Quarenta e oito bezerros de seis a sete meses de idade foram divididos em oito grupos (T1 a T8) de seis animais cada. Os grupos de número 2 a 7 receberam as vacinas T2 a T7 nos dias 0 e 42 com a dose e via recomendadas pelos fabricantes. Solu o salina e toxóide padr o foram usados nos mesmos dias nos grupos 1 e 8 (T1 e T8), respectivamente, como controles negativo e positivo. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas nos dias 0, 42 e 56 pós-vacina o (PV), para titula o de anticorpos no soro. As vacinas e os controles foram também testados em oito coelhos cada, inoculados nos dias 0 e 21 com metade da dose indicada para bovinos. Os coelhos foram sangrados no dia 35 e os soros foram misturados em partes iguais para cada vacina para a titula o de anticorpos. Os soros dos bovinos foram titulados individualmente contra as toxinas beta e épsilon de C. perfringens pelo método de soroneutraliza o em camundongos. A vacina T2 apresentou títulos de anticorpos de 22,6 e 5,6 UI/ml e a vacina T4 11,2 e 7,0 UI/ml, respectivamente, contra toxinas beta e épsilon em coelhos. Os títulos do toxóide padr o (T8) foram 45,2 UI/ml contra ambas as toxinas. Em bovinos, as médias dos títulos de anticorpos contra a toxina beta nos dias 42 e 56 PV com a vacina T2 (1,15 UI/ml e 8,0 UI/ml) foram similares ao toxóide padr o (2,02 e 10,03 UI/ml). A vacina T4 (0,73 e 4,54 UI/ml) teve títulos menores (P<0,05) que o toxóide padr o e similares a T2. Contra a toxina épsilon, o toxóide padr o teve média de título (0,97 UI/ml) no dia 42 que foi significativamente maior (P<0,05) do que T4 (0,15 UI/ml) e similar a T2 (0,42 UI/ml). No dia 56, T2 (4,27 UI/ml) teve títulos significativamente maiores (P<0,05) do que T4 (0,68 UI/ml) e similares ao toxóide padr o (4,98 UI/ml). Em cada tratamento, a resposta aos 56 dias foi superior (P<0,05) em rela o aos 42 dias após a primeira vacina o. As outras vacinas e a solu o salina n o induziram respostas de antitoxinas beta e épsilon de C. perfringens detectáveis nos soros dos coelhos e dos bovinos. A vacina T2 induziu altos títulos de anticorpos, maiores que aqueles induzidos por T4 e similares ao T8.
Application of Hartree-Fock Method for Modeling of Bioactive Molecules Using SAR and QSPR  [PDF]
Cleydson B. R. Santos, Cleison C. Lobato, Francinaldo S. Braga, Sílvia S. S. Morais, Cesar F. Santos, Caio P. Fernandes, Davi S. B. Brasil, Lorane I. S. Hage-Melim, Williams J. C. Macêdo, José C. T. Carvalho
Computational Molecular Bioscience (CMB) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/cmb.2014.41001
The central importance of quantum chemistry is to obtain solutions of the Schr?dinger equation for the accurate determination of the properties of atomic and molecular systems that occurred from the calculation of wave functions accurate for many diatomic and polyatomic molecules, using Self Consistent Field method (SCF). The application of quantum chemical methods in the study and planning of bioactive compounds has become a common practice nowadays. From the point of view of planning it is important to note, when it comes to the use of molecular modeling, a collective term that refers to methods and theoretical modeling and computational techniques to mimic the behavior of molecules, not intend to reach a bioactive molecule simply through the use of computer programs. The choice of method for energy minimization depends on factors related to the size of the molecule, parameters of availability, stored data and computational resources. Molecular models generated by the computer are the result of mathematical equations that estimate the positions and properties of the electrons and nuclei, the calculations exploit experimentally, the characteristics of a structure, providing a new perspective on the molecule. In this work we show that studies of Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital Energy (HOMO), Low Unoccupied Molecular Orbital Energy (LUMO) and Map of molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) using Hatree-Fock method with different basis sets (HF/3-21G*, HF/3-21G**, HF/6-31G, HF/6-31G*, HF/6-31G** and HF/6-311G), that are of great importance in modern chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, and other fields of knowledge of health sciences. In order to obtain a significant correlation, it is essential that the descriptors are used appropriately. Thus, the quantum chemical calculations are an attractive source of new molecular descriptors that can, in principle, express all the geometrical and electronic properties of molecules and their interactions with biological receptor.
Synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of gamma-phase bismuth titanium oxide with gallium
Lobato, A.R.;Lanfredi, S.;Carvalho, J.F.;Hernandes, A.C.;
Materials Research , 2000, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-14392000000300008
Abstract: gallium solubility in the bi12tio20 (bto) matrix was investigated by solid state reaction synthesis and bi12ti(1-x)gaxo20 (btgao) single crystals were grown by top seeded solution growth (tssg). we determined that it is possible to obtain a continuous solid solution from (x)bi12tio20: (1-x)bi12[ga0.7bi0.3]o20 and that ga replaces ti in the bto matrix giving bi12ti(1-x)ga(x)o20 up to x < 0.2. btgao single crystals grown with an excess of bi2o3 were transparent, a bleaching effect was observed due to the presence of gallium in the crystalline sillenite structure and their lattice parameter was higher than for pure bto. the results for btgao single crystals showed an increase in the optical activity from r0 = 6.4° ± 0.3°/mm, for bto, to r0 = 9.7° ± 0.3°/mm, for btgao grown with x = 0.30 in the melt. the btgao crystal presented an activation energy value of 0.48 ± 0.02 ev for 100 °c £ t £ 300 °c.
Synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of g-phase bismuth titanium oxide with gallium
Lobato A.R.,Lanfredi S.,Carvalho J.F.,Hernandes A.C.
Materials Research , 2000,
Abstract: Gallium solubility in the Bi12TiO20 (BTO) matrix was investigated by solid state reaction synthesis and Bi12Ti(1-x)Ga xO20 (BTGaO) single crystals were grown by Top Seeded Solution Growth (TSSG). We determined that it is possible to obtain a continuous solid solution from (x)Bi12TiO20: (1-x)Bi12[Ga0.7Bi0.3]O20 and that Ga replaces Ti in the BTO matrix giving Bi12Ti(1-x)Ga(x)O20 up to x < 0.2. BTGaO single crystals grown with an excess of Bi2O3 were transparent, a bleaching effect was observed due to the presence of gallium in the crystalline sillenite structure and their lattice parameter was higher than for pure BTO. The results for BTGaO single crystals showed an increase in the optical activity from rho0 = 6.4° ± 0.3°/mm, for BTO, to rho0 = 9.7° ± 0.3°/mm, for BTGaO grown with x = 0.30 in the melt. The BTGaO crystal presented an activation energy value of 0.48 ± 0.02 eV for 100 °C <= T <= 300 °C.
PCR multiplex para identifica??o de isolados de Clostridium chauvoei e Clostridium septicum
Assis, R.A.;Lobato, F.C.F.;Lobato, Z.I.P.;Camargos, M.F.;Nascimento, R.A.P.;Vargas, A.P.C.;Salvarani, F.M.;Uzal, F.A.;
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-09352008000200003
Abstract: multiplex pcr was optimized to detect clostridium chauvoei and clostridium septicum in pure cultures. in each reaction, a pair of primers for a specific segment of the flagellin gene of c. chauvoei and a pair of primers for a specific segment of alpha toxin gene of c. septicum were employed. reference strains of both microorganisms were used as control. the multiplex pcr was evaluated by testing 16 clinical isolates of c. chauvoei from ruminants, 15 clinical isolates of c. septicum from ruminants and, four vaccine strains of each one of these agents. reference strains of both microorganisms were used as control. to evaluate the specificity, genomic dna of the following microorganisms was used: c. sordellii, c. novyi type a, c. novyi type b, c. perfringens type a, c. haemolyticum, c. botulinum type d, pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus, enterobacter aerogenes, escherichia coli, and salmonella typhimurium. all the isolates and vaccine strains of c. chauvoei and c. septicum were positive by pcr assay and cross reactions were not observed with the other species of clostridia, the other bacterial species or amongst both investigated agents. the smallest concentrations of dna detected from c. chauvoei and c. septicum were 45pg/μl and 30pg/μl, respectively. the multiplex pcr was useful for the specific identification of c. chauvoei and c. septicum in pure cultures.
In vitro evaluation of Clostridium septicum alpha toxoid
Salvarani, F.M.;Lobato, Z.I.P.;Assis, R.A.;Lima, C.G.R.D.;Silva, R.O.S.;Pires, P.S.;Lobato, F.C.F.;
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-09352010000400002
Abstract: aiming to investigate in vitro alternatives, a test for neutralizing antibody detection using cell culture was developed. this test was more sensitive than previous animal models, allowing for detection of substantially lower alpha toxin and anti-alpha toxin titers. titers observed during in vivo and in vitro seroneutralization had a correlation of 99.12%, indicating that cell culture is a viable alternative in the evaluation of vaccine potency, screening of vaccinal seeds, and clostridium septicum alpha toxin titration.
Detection of several clostridia by a direct fluorescent antibody test in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues
Assis, R.A.;Lobato, F.C.F.;Salvarani, F.M.;Lima, C.G.R.D.;Uzal, F.A.;
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-09352007000500033
Abstract: descreve-se a aplicabilidade de uma técnica de imunofluorescência direta, para o diagnóstico de mionecroses causadas por clostrídios, a partir de tecidos fixados em formol e incluídos em parafina. essa técnica pode auxiliar no diagnóstico do carbúnculo sintomático e da gangrena gasosa, contribuindo para determinar a real prevalência dessas doen?as no país.
Interfer?o peguilado e ribavirina em doentes com hepatite crónica sem resposta sustentada ao interfer?o standard e ribavirina
Freire,R.; Mangualde,J.; Vieira,A. M.; Lobato,C.; Pinho,C.; Alves,A.; Augusto,F.; Oliveira,A. P.;
Jornal Português de Gastrenterologia , 2006,
Abstract: introduction: treatment failures were frequent before peginterferon and ribavirin become standard therapy for chronic hepatitis c. overall, a sustained virologic response can now be achieved in over 50% of patients, a 17-25% higher rate than that with standard interferon and ribavirin, which may sustain a retreatment strategy for patients with no response to previous therapies. aims: to evaluate the effectiveness of retreatment with peginterferon and ribavirin in patients who failed treatment with standard interferon and ribavirin and to identify factors associated with a favourable outcome. patients and methods: retrospective analysis of patients retreated with peginterferon and ribavirin after treatment failure with standard interferon and ribavirin. results: twenty-seven patients were included (78% male, mean age of 43 years, 85% with genotype 1). serum hcv rna was higher than 500.000 iu/l in 14 patients. fifteen patients had been previously treated with standard interferon monotherapy. all were treated with, and failed, standard interferon and ribavirin. with retreatment (peginterferon and ribavirin), a sustained response was achieved in 25,9% (7 patients). factors associated with a favourable outcome were early virologic response on retreatment and absence of previous interferon monotherapy. conclusions: retreatment should be considered, particularly in selected patients with factors predictive of a favourable outcome.

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